Wednesday 6 February 2013

Theorist Quotes

'The medium is the message' - McLuchan

'Dominant ideology serves the interest of the ruling classes' - Marx

'Identity is complicated. Everyone thinks they've got one' - Gauntlett

'Identities are not 'given'. But are constructed and negotiated' - Gauntlett

'Stereotypes are not always negative' - Perkins

'The media overreacts to an aspect of behavior' - Cohen

'Gender is what you do, not what you are' - Judith Butler

'Identity is performed through your expression' - Judith Butler

'The social practice of missrecognising yourself is based on a full consciousness' - Althusser

'Genre are instances of repetition and differences' - Neale

'Media seems to reflect reality, but in fact they construct it' - Stuart Hall

'Identity is ambiguous' - Stuart Hall

'People who supposedly threaten social order, folk devils' - Cohen

'Audiences read texts differently, some accept, some negotiate and reject reading' - Stuart Hall

'The more one depends on the media, the more it will be important to someone' - Defleur

'Identity is problematic, and in a consistent state' - Stuart Hall

'The media defines the majority of the population' - Stuart Hall

'The power of mass media resides in their ability to place a subject' - Althusser

'Invisible nature of ideology' - Stuart Hall

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