Article on what the word 'geek' actually means, with famous people revealing their geeky secrets. The article is inspired by a date with a man of which the author attended, and how he expressed that his geeky secret was 'too embarrassing' to share. He enjoyed Warhammer, which involves taking small, plastic models of orcs and painting them. Alice Bell didn't arrange to see the man again, but revealed that it was because he was ashamed of his geeky interest and not because of what the activity actually involved. The article contains several quotes from several celebrities on the topic of the geek and what it actually is.
- 'Words like Nerd and Geek have been reclaimed in recent years. It used to be an insult, now it just means you're into your stuff. That you're proud of what you love, it's about being enthusiastic. It's a liberation.' Simon Pegg
- 'A geek is being able to be serially obsessed with things. I'm a geek and proud - I used to spot buses.' - Professor Brian Cox
- 'Geek used to mean people who collected Star Wars figures, but now it means anyone who'sgot an interesting slant to them.' - Jonathon Ross
- Geekery is being passionate about something, without caring how it might look to other people or social norms.' - Sydney Padua
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